
We aim to lead adults to be astonished by Jesus in Ellaville and beyond by teaching and studying God’s Word together, growing in close relationships with one another, and serving our community together.

Sunday Morning

Small Group Discipleship (Sunday School)
Our Sunday Small Groups for adults are divided into varying age ranges and designed to link people together in similar stages of life. We have groups for all ages. Contact the church office or stop by the Next Steps booth to find your group.
Various Rooms, 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday Evening

Join us in our Fellowship Hall for a time of pray and Bible Study.
EBC Fellowship Hall, 6:30pm

Other Gatherings

Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)
WMU meets the third Monday of each month to fellowship and pray about God’s work in the church and around the world. WMU sponsors mission projects in the church and community and our Wednesday night programs for children.
EBC Fellowship Hall, 2 p.m.

Senior Adults (JOY Club) 
The JOY Club host events and gatherings throughout the year for fellowship and service. They meet bi-monthly and enjoy numerous trips and activities.
JOY Club monthly breakfast, 1st Tuesday of the month at Granny’s Kitchen in Americus, 8:30 a.m.
JOY Club monthly meeting, 3rd Tuesday of the month, EBC Fellowship Hall, 10 a.m.